The French Telecom division of Cap Gemini Sogeti, CAP GEMINI TELECOM FRANCE works with many large companies (especially Telecommunications operators) throughout the world. For more than ten years, CAP GEMINI TELECOM FRANCE has had overall responsibilty for design, development and deployment of the French Electronic Directory, the biggest network of its kind in the world. CAP GEMINI TELECOM FRANCE is also a major player in the development of new telecommunication services such as smart card services, mobile radiocommunications and vocal services.
Contact: Patrice Le Moing
E-mail: pmoing@capgemini.fr
Tel: + 33 2 99 27 45 45
Fax: + 33 2 99 27 45 75
5, Allée de la Croix des Hêtres
35018 Rennes Cedex 7, France
The Language Centre of the University of Cambridge (UK) was created in 1990 to respond to increasing demand for languages throughout the University. The Centre is committed to learner autonomy as a valuable educational aim and seeks to develop appropriate methodologies. The Language Centre has built up its reputation on the development of support systems for learners working in self-access and in particular, on the concept of 'advising' as an interactive form of teaching appropriate to new language learning contexts. Since 1992, the Centre has been involved in Research and Development into multimedia and implements the University's policy of using interactive distributed systems to support language learning throughout the University.
Contact: Christoph Zähner
E-mail: cz201@cus.cam.ac.uk
Tel: + 44 1223 330 914
Fax: + 44 1223 330 913
Address: The Language Centre
University of Cambridge
11 West Road, Cambridge
The Institute for Computer Based Learning (ICBL)'s overall objectives are to pursue research in computer-based learning and its impact on teaching and training; to develop computer based learning environments for use in teaching and training; to foster widespread use of these environments in Heriot-Watt University; and to promote the transfer of technology-based training to industry and commerce.
Contact: Sarah Price
E-mail: leverage@icbl.hw.ac.uk
Tel: + 44 131 451 3286
Fax: + 44 131 451 3283
Address: ICBL
Heriot-Watt University
EH14 4AS, UK
The Centre for Information on Language Teaching and Research (CILT) (UK) is an educational charity established in 1966 to promote and support a capability in Modern Foreign Languages throughout the UK. CILT's information and resources centre in London is at the hub of a national network disseminating information, running courses, conferences and training events and producing publications for language professionals in every sector of education and business. CILT is committed to disseminating information on all aspects of language teaching, learning and research to as wide an audience as possible.
Contact: Philippa Wright or Clare Power
E-mail: leverage@cilt.org.uk
Tel: + 44 171 379 5110
Fax: + 44 171 379 5082
Address: CILT
20 Bedfordbury
AND International Publishers is an internationally orientated company specialising in three key areas. These are development and maintenance of databases to model aspects of the world, the development of industry-leading compression and indexing technology to utilise these data models, and electronic publications based on this technology. AND's activities are centred on independent operating business units grouped in three sectors: Data, Technology and Publishing.
Contact: Peter van Waart
E-mail: peterw@and.nl
Tel: + 31 10 27 59 200 / 282
Fax: + 31 10 27 59 210
Address: AND Publishing Technology BV
Weena 723, Postbus 29134
3001 GC, Rotterdam
ASCOM Tech (CH) has played a leading role in Europe in the development of hardware and software cores for broadband communication systems in the access and private networking areas. These cores are now employed in a variety of ATM products which are either already on the market or will be there soon. As a medium size telecom company, ASCOM has greatly benefited from its active role in a few pioneering European Community projects.
Contact: Ramon Felder
E-mail: felder@tech.ascom.ch
Tel: + 41 31 999 10 98
Fax: + 41 31 999 30 57
Address: ASCOM Tech AG
Morgenstrasse 129
CH - 3018 Bern
VTT Information Technology (SF) is the largest multidisciplinary research insitute in Finland with research activities focusing on industrially-oriented leading edge applied project research. VTT Information Technology (VTT/IT) is one of the research units at VTT performing research and development in telecommunications, information systems, multimedia systems and printed communications.
Contact: Juha Leppanen
E-mail: Juha.Leppanen@vtt.fi
Tel: + 358 9 456 5621
Fax: + 358 9 456 7028
Address: VTT Information Technology
P.O. BOX 1203
FIN-02044 Espoo
By far Finland's largest telecommunications company, Telecom Finland Ltd provides a full range of national and international telecommunications services, from local and long-distance telephone services to mobile services, data communications and international connections.
Contact: Tero Vaananen
E-mail: Tero.Vaananen@tele.telebox.fi
Tel: + 358 5 624 3315
Fax: + 358 5 412 0618
Address: Telecom Finland
Telecom Research Centre, Laserkatu 6
FIN-53850 Lappeenranta
Bitfield OY (SF) was founded in July 1990 to develop PC-based products for visual communication using different networks. Application areas include desktop videoconferencing, remote education, computer supported co-operative work, high-quality video transmission and security and surveillance.
Contact: Marko Suoknuuti
E-mail: Marko.Suoknuuti@bitfield.fi
Tel: + 358 9 5024 2214
Fax: + 358 9 455 2240
Address: Bitfield OY
Ukonvaaja 2
FIN-02130 Espoo
The Institut National des Télécommunications (F) is one of 3 'Grandes Ecoles' managed by France Telecom, providing graduate programmes in telecommunications engineering and management. Research activities play an important role at INT. They focus on all the technical and managerial aspects of telecommunications, such as broadband network architecture, modelling network performance, protocol specification and validation techniques, image processing, and the economic, social and legal implications of communication and information technologies in industrial companies.
Contact: Katherine Maillet
E-mail: katherine.maillet@int-evry.fr
Tel: + 33 1 60 76 46 18
Fax: + 33 1 60 77 57 76
Address: Institut National des Télécommunications
9, rue Charles Fourier
91011 Evry Cedex, France
The Departamento de Ingenieria de Sistemas Telematicos (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) (E), or DIT-UPM for short, has been largely involved in the field of Telecommunication and Information Technologies. It is in charge of education and research in the fields of digital communications, networks, telematic services and distributed systems and it is the largest university research group existing in Spain on these areas.
Contact: Encarna Pastor
E-mail: encarna@dit.upm.es
Tel: + 34 1 336 73 28
Fax: + 34 1 336 73 33
Address: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
ETSI Telecomunicacion,
DIT, Ciudad Universitaria, s/n
28040 Madrid, Spain