Ada Lovelace Bicentennial Celebration
This year the Ada community celebrates the 200 anniversary of Lady Ada Lovelace's birth on December 10, 1815. In order to commemorate her anticipatory vision of the advent and creative power of computer programs, some special events wil be held during the conference week.
To Dream Tomorrow
The main act of the Ada Lovelace celebration will be the screening of the documentary To Dream Tomorrow, directed and produced by John Fuegi and Jo Francis. The film tells the story of Ada Byron Lovelace, her work with Charles Babbage, and their contributions to computing over a hundred years before the time usually thought to be the start of the Computer Age.
The film will be screened in a special session to be held on Tuesday from 15:15 to 16:15. A pre-screening for tutorial and workshop participants who are not staying for the conference will be held on Monday starting at 18:15.